UNIMED – GDPR Customer Privacy Policy

Unimed – GDPR Customer Privacy Policy

What this Privacy Policy Covers

This Privacy Policy covers the activities of the Unimed group of companies. The data controller is the relevant company whose services are being used (collectively referred to in this Notice as “Unimed” or “we” “our” or “us”).

We are committed to doing the right thing when it comes to how we collect, use and protect your personal data. That’s why we’ve developed this GDPR Customer

Privacy Policy which:

▪ Sets out the types of personal data that we collect.

▪ Explains how and why we collect and use your personal data.

▪ Explains when and why we will share personal data within Unimed and with other organisations.

▪ Explains the rights and choices you have when it comes to your personal data.

Unimed Services a variety of authorised customers in different ways and this Notice applies to you if you use our services (referred to in this Notice as “our Services”).

To use our Services, you must be an authorised customer / organisation who wishes to use our Services for that business or enterprise. Using our Services means being an authorised customer of Unimed.

What Personal Data Do We Collect?

This section tells you what personal data we may collect from you when you use our Services.

When you register as a customer of Unimed we may collect:

▪ Your company / personal details, including the name(s) of the proposed account holder, your business address, delivery addresses, email addresses, photo ID (in some cases), regulatory documentation to confirm authorisation to trade with Unimed, phone numbers and title(s).

▪ The names and contact details of any additional persons within your company provided to us by you.

You will be given an account number which identifies your customer account, and which is used by us.

▪ Trading names, including proof of trading address and sales information will also be captured.

We will also collect additional information from customers’ including:

▪ Your bank account details (or those of the payer).

▪ Your credit history and other financial information either via credit searches you have authorised as part of your application or that you have provided as part of your application.

▪ Whenever your account is used we will collect transactional information regarding the goods purchased, payment method, date and time of purchase.

Other Sources of Personal Data

We may also use personal data from other sources, such as specialist companies that supply information.

We may also obtain personal information from credit or reference agencies, the Land Registry and Companies House in respect of any credit applications or where other guarantees are required.

Members of the Public.

From time to time we may be contacted by individuals who are not the account holder. In those circumstances we will gather sufficient information to address the query or issue (such as name, address and contact details). In some cases, we may need to pass that information on to a third party, such as a supplier (in the event of a product related query) or a third-party advisor to address the matter in question. Any information obtained will be processed purely for the purpose of the single issue or query raised and will be deleted in line with our retention policy once the matter has been closed.

How and Why we use Personal Data

This section explains in detail how and why we use personal data. We use your personal data to ensure we can deliver our Services to you as follows:

▪ Manage the account(s) you hold with us.

▪ Process your orders and refunds.

▪ Deliver goods to your authorised delivery address.

▪ Communicate with you about your account or the services required.

▪ Produce invoices and statements and make them available for you.

▪ Communicate with you in emergencies or in relation to a product recall.Page 3 of 5

We need to process your personal data so that we can manage your customer account, provide you with the goods and services you want to buy and to help you with any orders and credits you may request. Processing your data in this way is necessary to enable us to fulfil our obligations to you as your supplier.

We will also use your data to manage and improve our websites, product ranges and deliveries for example:

▪ Data is used to help develop and improve our product range, services, facilities, information technology systems, know-how and the way we communicate with you. We rely on the use of personal data to enable us to serve you better as a customer.

Detect and Prevent Fraud or other Crime

We have an obligation to ensure that our Services are safe and consequently, if required your data may be processed in order to detect and prevent fraud, other crimes and the misuse of our Services. This helps us to make sure that you can safely use our Services.

Contact and Interaction with You

We may contact you about our Services, for example by phone, email, text or post to serve you better as a customer so we use personal data to provide clarification or assistance in response to your communications and to respond to your queries.

Service Providers

We work with carefully selected Service Providers that carry out certain functions on our behalf. These include, for example, companies that help us with technology services, storing and combining data, processing payments, credit checking and those who provide service on our behalf such as delivering orders to your premises.

We only share personal data necessary to enable our Service Providers to provide their services.

Sharing Personal Data with other Organisations

This section explains how and why we share personal data with other organisations.

We may share personal data with other organisations in the following circumstances:

▪ If the law or a public authority says we must share the personal data.

▪ If we need to share personal data in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (this includes providing personal data to others for the purposes of preventing fraud and reducing credit risk).

▪ To an organisation we sell or transfer (or enter into negotiations to sell or transfer) any of our businesses or any of our rights or obligations under any agreement we may have with you to. If the transfer or sale goes ahead, thePage 4 of 5 organisation receiving your personal data can use your personal data in the same way as us.

▪ Any company within our parent company’s group of companies.

▪ To any other successors in title to our business.

How We Protect Personal Data

We know how important it is to protect and manage your personal data. This section sets out some of the measures we have in place.

▪ We use computer safeguards such as firewalls, data encryption, a private network and we enforce physical access controls to our buildings and files to keep this data safe.

▪ We only authorise access to employees who need it to carry out their job responsibilities.

▪ We protect the security of your information, while it is being transmitted to Third Party Suppliers and Service Providers, using secure Peer to Peer Encryption (P2PE), Virtual Private Networks (VPN) or Transport Layer Security (TLS).

▪ We enforce physical, electronic and procedural safeguards in connection with the collection, storage and disclosure of personal data. We may occasionally ask for proof of identity before we share your personal data with you.

However, whilst we take appropriate technical and organisational measures to safeguard your personal data, please note that we cannot guarantee the security of any personal data that you transfer over the internet to us.

When we send any data to any third party we will take steps to ensure the safety of your data. The personal data that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”).

It may also be processed by companies operating outside the EEA who work for us or for one of our service providers. We will put in place appropriate protection to make sure your personal data remains adequately protected and is treated in line with this Notice.

Your Rights

Under the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to see the personal data we hold about you. This is called a Subject Access Request. If you would like a copy of the personal data we hold about you, please contact the Unimed Data Controller at colin.rees@ummuk.com

We want to make sure that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and up to date. If any of the details are incorrect, please let us know and we will amend them.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time, so please take the time to review periodically.

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