Log in to the medScale+ (https://medscaleplus.com) portal. Navigate to the “Vessels” icon and expand the dropdown list.

You can now view a complete list of all Vessels and search for specific names using the search bar. Please select the Vessel that you want to report Zero Usage for.

On the General page, navigate to “Scale Inventory”, and select “Report Usage”

Three tabs will open on the same page upon clicking the “Report Usage” button. These are the three steps to complete the online usage report. Number 1 on the left is the amount of scale medicine used. Number 2 is the amount of extra medicine used. Number 3 is the review report before submitting. This is used to double-check your input. Start by selecting the + icon on a specific medicine like in the image shown below:

Next, click on “Quantity Used” and enter the exact amount that was used:

In this example, we used 2 Andrenaline Injections (Quantity: 2). Please note that you can minimise the selected medicine and continue the same process for the rest. In one report, you can edit and submit many medicines, so there is no need to submit different reports for each medicine individually:

In the same example as above, we are editing the quantity and report for these specific medicines. Once you’re done, click “Next”.

After you’ve completed your edits for the Scale Medicine, you can continue to section Number 2 with the Extra Medicine used, as shown in the image above. In this example, we also used one extra medicine (Quantity: 1). After completing section Number 2, click “Next”.

You are now taken to section Number 3, which is the “Review” stage. This is for you to make sure you’ve selected the correct medicine before submitting the online report. Note in the image above the “Actions” tab where you can remove any medicine that should not be in the final report. Worry not; our dedicated team is also checking for you and your Vessel to make sure the report is well received and in the proper way. Next, click “Submit”. You have now successfully reported usage online through our portal! An email notification will be sent to you to confirm your online usage report:

Are you still having trouble accessing our portal? If yes, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at support@medscaleplus.com for assistance.